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On this page you can find various statistics and other information for KanaQuest.com.
A total of 2575 users are registered on KanaQuest. There are 0 registered users and 6 guests currently on this website.
For KanaWords, a quiz with Japanese words in kana form, there are a total of 782 words in the quiz, of which 248 are Level 1, 386 are Level 2, and 148 are Level 3.
As of February 2013, the KanaWords quiz has recieved a total of 28,000 unique visits.
For KanaVerbs, a quiz used to practice converting verbs into the "masu" form, there are a total of 32 verbs in the quiz.
Hiragana + Katakana
As of February 2013, the Hiragana and Katakana quizzes have recieved a total of 99,000 unique visits.