Simple Greetings

Here are some simple greetings. Read through these and try to memorize them. To memorize them faster, try using them in real life situations.

English: Good Morning
Romaji: Ohayou Gozaimasu
Hiragana: おはようございます

English: Hello / Good Day
Romaji: Konnichiwa
Hiragana: こんにちわ

English: Good Evening
Romaji: Konbanwa
Hiragana: こんばんわ

English: Nice to meet you.
Romaji: Hajimemashite
Hiragana: はじめまして

English: Sorry / Excuse Me
Romaji: Sumimasen
Hiragana: すみません

English: Thank You
Romaji: Arigatou
Hiragana: ありがとう

English: Goodbye
Romaji: Sayonara
Hiragana: さよなら

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